Voix Maritimes
Click above photo for slideshow (19 photographs)
Voix Maritimes:
A photographer’s homage
to the Saint Lawrence River
Voix Maritimes is an homage to people who live along the section of the Saint Lawrence River that stretches through Quebec. The photos were captured during the shooting of a documentary series about aficionados of the river, while travelling from Montreal to Anticosti on a sail boat. This patchwork of portraits displays privileged encounters with fishermen, seamen, craftsmen, lighthouse keepers, adventurers and artists united by their common love for the river. Sailing along both shores of the St. Lawrence, this series goes out to meet people with particular ways of life who offer us, each in their own way, a unique and complementary perspective on this river, which has, for centuries, shaped Quebec’s history and identity.
To learn more about the Voix Maritimes webseries, which accompanies the photos head to: 1000jours.com/voixmaritimes